Hi, I’m Joe
I’m just some guy in St. Louis. Associate Director of Engineering at 10up, WordPress Core Developer. Always learning.
Things I wrote
This site now runs on HTTPS and PHP 7
I recently upgraded to PHP7 and turned on HTTPS support to align with the latest recommendations for WordPress.
Automated WordPress coding standards checks using Atom
After being frustrated by missing simple coding style errors in my WordPress contributions, I finally decided to employ some tooling to help automate the process of checking my code. This is how I set up my machine so the Atom editor will automatically check code for WordPress Coding Standards. Install PHP CodeSniffer PHP_CodeSniffer is an automated tool for…
Link: Setting up XHProf with VVV
http://gm.zoomlab.it/2014/xhprof-varying-vagrant-vagrants/ Sometimes you need to profile things. This tutorial helps. (Update – Jan 3, 2024: This old link was super helpful to me when I started using XHProf in 2016 but it no longer exists. Internet Archive to the rescue. That said, a more current approach to setting this all up now exists in the…
Responsive Images in WordPress 4.4 – A personal story
This is a brief account of how I accidentally became a lead developer of a new WordPress feature.
Self-contradictory hungers
“I came into the world. Free by nature, in the image of God, I was nevertheless the prisoner of my own violence and my own selfishness, in the image of the world into which I was born. That world was the picture of Hell, full of men like myself, loving God, and yet hating him;…
Responsive Images for Everybody – WordCamp Denver
Here are the slides from my WordPress Denver 2015 talk, “Responsive Images for Everybody”. Some helpful resources mentioned in this presentation include: RICG Responsive Images Plugin responsiveimages.org Jason Grigsby: Responsive Images 101 Eric Portis: Responsive Images in Practice
RICG Responsive Images Version 2.3
Happy Monday everyone. Version 2.3 of the RICG Responsive Images Plugin for WordPress just launched with a few notable new features and bunch of smaller improvements. Gallery support As of version 2.3, images inside galleries will now include srcset and sizes attributes. We’ve added this support by moving the filter from post_thumbnail_html to wp_get_attachment_image_attributes, so if…
Scratch That, Reverse It
“Maybe we should stop trying the devise the ideal methods to create the ideal person and just spend time with our kids because we love them and they’ll refuse to hang out with us pretty soon.” Source: Scratch That, Reverse It
Link: A Developer’s Guide to Contributing to WordPress Core
Source: A Developer’s Guide to Contributing to WordPress Core Ian Jones recently published one of the best articles on contributing to WordPress Core that I’ve ever seen. The only two issues I saw with the post were addressed by Drew Jaynes (WP 4.2 release lead) in the first comment. I was going to write my…
Emoji posts 🙌
WordPress version 4.2 beta 2 just released, which means everyone is one step closer to using emoji in their posts, including post slugs (see this URL). WordPress 4.2 Beta 1 http://t.co/RRNtmitDzP — WordPress (@WordPress) March 12, 2015 Go read more at WordPress.org