Tag: WordCamp

  • How I commit to WordPress

    At WordCamp US today, everyone with commit access to the project was encouraged to document the process they use to commit to changes to the WordPress svn repo. I’ve experimented with several different setups over the years. Currently, I have two separate directories on my computer that I use while working on WordPress: A git…

  • Photo: WordCamp St. Louis 2015

    Chris Koerner captured this shot of me during my presentation at WordCamp St. Louis last weekend. Check out the rest of his photos from the event on his Flickr page.

  • Reflections on 2014

    I’ve never been much for resolutions, per se, but I do think it can a good idea to reflect on the year that just passed before barreling headlong into a new one. In that spirit, I thought I would jot down a few professional milestones from the previous year. Public speaking One of my goals for the…